Improvement of Groundwater Protection project ratified

VGP – The PM has approved the investment of Improvement of Groundwater Protection in Viet Nam project in the 2018-2020 phase, which received non-refundable aid of the German Government. 

New regulations on culture & arts human resources trained abroad

VGP – The Prime Minister has issued Decision No. 1240/QD-TTg on amending and supplementing Article 1 of the PM’s Decision No. 1437/QD-TTg dated July 19, 2016 on the approval of the project on training human resource of culture and arts in foreign countries up to 2030.

National planning council set up

VGP – The PM has signed Decision No. 1226/QĐ-TTg on the establishment of the national planning council. 

Management on imports, use of scrap enhanced

VGP – The PM has signed Directive No. 27/CT-TTg on launching some urgent measures to strengthen management on imports and use of scraps as raw materials for production. 

National Committee on e-Government set up

VGP – The PM has signed Decision No. 1072/QĐ-TTg on the establishment of the National Committee on e-Government. The PM is head of the committee.